Automated extraction of geometrical features of proteins from cryo electron tomographic data
Stina Svensson, Magnus Gedda
Funding: Swedish Research Council (Project 621-2005-5540); SLU S Faculty; UU TN Faculty
Period: 0401-
Partners: Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm; Dipartimento di Energetica "S. Stecco" and Dipartimento di Fisica, Universitá di Firenze (UF), Florence, Italy; Laboratoire de Biophysique (LB), Statistique ITP/SB, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, Medical Research Council Centre (MRCC), Cambridge, United Kingdom
State of the art imaging techniques makes it possible to study individual proteins and other macromolecules from a structural point of view. Descriptions with respect to geometry and shape facilitates studying protein dynamics. This type of study is essential to increase the understanding of their biological role. CMB has developed methods, using cryo electron tomography (Cryo-ET), for 3D imaging of individual proteins at a resolution of approximately 2 nm. Moreover, they have together with UF and LB developed methods for modelling protein dynamic based on the images. Fitting a model to each protein in the image has so far been done manually. For large-scale studies, computerized image analysis serves as an essential tool to automatically and objectively fit the protein model to image content. In this project, we develop methods to fill the gap between image and model and thereby make large-scale studies of the movement of proteins possible. We will develop methods for automatically extracting the geometrical features needed as input to the models. This will be done taking into account both grey-level information (which reflects the internal structure of the protein) and 3D shape information.
The first step in this process is to identify the different parts of the protein. This is of interest as the parts and their relative positions are the key to understanding how flexible a protein is and how it can interact with, or bind to, other proteins or substances. During 2007, a decomposition method, theoretically described in Project 8, was published in Pattern Recognition Letters.
Once the parts (or domains) of a protein are identified, the next step is to extract relevant geometrical features. During 2007, we developed a method to extract the interdomain angles and the translation of the domains with respect to each others for the Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody imaged by Cryo-ET. The IgG antibody consists of three parts, the Fc stem and the two Fab arms. The parts are approximately equal in size. We compared the results with X-ray cristallography experiments for the same structure and could conclude that, even though Cryo-ET gives images of lower resolution than X-ray cristallography, the mentioned geometrical features can be extracted with high significance. This work was done in close cooperation with UF and LB and published in Journal of Microscopy. In Figure 6, one IgG antibody, which has been constructed from information stored in the Protein Data Bank (, illustrates the method: to the left, the IgG antibody decomposed into Fc stem and Fab arms; in the middle, the principal components of each parts used for measuring the interdomain angles; and to the right, the Fab-Fab dyad in which the translation between the domains are measured.
For PDB code 1IGY constructed at
20 Å resolution: surface rendering of the Fc stem (yellow)
and the Fab arms (red and blue); PC
, and PC; and Fab dyad, PC
, and PC
The decomposition method is also used in a study of another protein, namely the Met tyrosine kinase receptor. This is done in cooperation with with MRCC, UF, and LB. The Met protein controls growth, invasion, and metastasis in cancer cells and activating Met mutations predispose to human cancer. It has a unique biological role and is therefore of interest to study. In its mature form, Met consists of an extracellular chain and a longer chain. The chain and the first part of the chain folds to a propeller structure. This propeller region is sufficient for the binding to its ligand, hepatocyte growth factor / scatter factor (HGF/SF). The remaining part of the chain is called stalk, due to its stalk-like structure. The stalk is, for the moment, understood to hold the propeller in correct orientation for the ligand binding. To get a better understanding of the biology behind, a quantitative study of the
flexibility of the stalk for Met. During 2007, a method for identifying the propeller and the stalk and to extract a representation, a stalk curve suitable for extracting geometrical features regarding its flexibility was presented at 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns and published in the proceedings from the conference. In Figure 7, the method is illustrated by two examples.
Figure 7:
Two MET proteins decomposed into -propeller (red) and stalk (cyan), and their respective stalk curves.