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Non-refereed conferences and workshops

  1. Tracking tubular structures in volume image data
    Author: Maria Axelsson
    Conference: SSBA Symposium on Image Analysis, Lund

  2. Correction in 3D confocal images
    Authors: Patrick Karlsson, Joakim Lindblad
    Conference: SSBA Symposium on Image Analysis, Lund

  3. Graph cut based segmentation of phase contrast volume images of fibrous materials
    Authors: Filip Malmberg, Catherine Östlund (1), Gunilla Borgefors
    (1) Swedish Pulp and Paper Research Institute (STFI-Packforsk), Stockholm
    Conference: SSBA Symposium on Image Analysis, Lund

  4. Measuring heart rate from rat embryo videos
    Authors: Muhammad Khalid Khan Niazi, Ewert Bengtsson
    Conference: SSBA Symposium on Image Analysis, Lund

  5. The polar distance transform
    Authors: Kristin Norell , Joakim Lindblad, Stina Svensson
    Conference: SSBA Symposium on Image Analysis, Lund

  6. Registration of 2D Histological images of bone implants with 3D SRuCT volumes
    Authors: Hamid Sarve, Joakim Lindblad, Carina B. Johansson (1)
    (1) Dept. of Clinical Medicine, Örebro University
    Conference: SSBA Symposium on Image Analysis, Lund
  7. Weighted neighbourhood sequences - computing the distance transform
    Author: Robin Strand
    Conference: SSBA Symposium on Image Analysis, Lund

  8. Algorithms for cross-talk suppression in fluorescence microscopy
    Authors: Milan Gavrilovic, Carolina Wählby, Joakim Lindblad, Ewert Bengtsson
    Conference: Medicinteknikdagarna, Göteborg

  9. Automatisk spårning av dendriter i konfokalmikroskopibilder av nervceller
    Author: Magnus Gedda
    Conference: Medicinteknikdagarna, Göteborg

  10. Att hitta ett histologiskt 2D snitt av ett benimplantat i en 3D mikrotomografivolym
    Authors: Hamid Sarve, Joakim Lindblad, Gunilla Borgefors, Carina B. Johansson (1)
    (1) Dept. of Clinical Medicine, Örebro University
    Conference: Medicinteknikdagarna, Göteborg

  11. Image analysis in fluorescence microscopy: the human eye is not enough
    Author: Carolina Wählby
    Conference: Medicinteknikdagarna, Göteborg

  12. An automated image analysis method for measuring fibre contact in fibrous and composite materials
    Authors: Filip Malmberg, Joakim Lindblad, Catherine Östlund (1), Karin M. Almgren (2), Kristofer M. Gamstedt (1)
    (1) Swedish Pulp and Paper Research Institute (STFI-Packforsk), Stockholm
    (2) Dept. of Solid Mechanics, KTH, Stockholm
    Conference: European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM13, Stockholm

  13. Are all state of the art techniques "simple as that" to implement in biomaterials research?: a pilot study in rat bone
    Authors: Hamid Sarve, Joakim Lindblad, Carina B. Johansson (1), Gunilla Borgefors
    (1) Dept. of Clinical Medicine, Örebro University
    Conference: AstraTech World Congress, pp. 136-137

  14. Using image analysis to model 3D liquid-paper interaction
    Authors: Tuomas Turpeinen (1), Stina Svensson, Catherine Östlund (2), Jari Hyväluoma (3), Jussi Timonen (3)
    (1) Dept. of Mathematical Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
    (2) Swedish Pulp and Paper Research Institute (STFI-Packforsk), Stockholm
    (3) Dept. of Physics, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
    Conference: Progress in Paper Physics Seminar 2008

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