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Organised conferences and workshops

  1. CBA internal planning workshop Organisers: Ewert Bengtsson, Lena Wadelius, Ingela Nyström, Patrik Malm, Robin Strand
    Address: Orbaden konferens & spa, Hälsingland
    Date: 090617-18
    Attendees: All personell from CBA
    Topic: This workshop addressed long-term strategic questions regarding CBA. The workshop comprised four sessions, especially focusing on the major topics ``Research areas'' , ``Work environment'', ``Situation for PhD students/seniors'' and ``PR and outreach''. The discussions, e.g., included questions of information sharing within CBA, quality and quantity of PhD courses, standardisation of formats for presentations outside CBA.
  2. Manifolds in Medical Imaging: Metrics, Learning and Beyond, workshop in conjunction with MICCAI 2008 
    Organisers: Robert Pless (1); Christos Davatzikos (2); Anders Brun; Richard Souvenir (3) 
    Affiliation: (1) Washington University in St. Louis, MO, USA; (2) University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA; (3) University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC, USA
    Address: Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for University Life, New York, NY, USA 
    Date: 080910 
    Comment: Brun was one of the Area chairs.

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