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We consider the publication of our results very important and a measure of the quality of our work. Hence, all research projects we are involved in, see Section
, should result in one or more publications.
Most often we publish in international scientific journals and fully refereed international conference proceedings; this is true for works both on theory and on different applications.
In our research field, the impact factor of some of the conferences are in fact higher than well-reputed journals, so in some cases we favour to submit high-quality work to a conference rather than to a journal.
In order to meet other scientists, we sometimes publish in
non-reviewed conferences, but those results are usually eventually
also published elsewhere. We also aim to produce some popular
articles, but are less successful in this respect. However, we
give a number of such seminars each year.
This list covers all publications with publication date in 2010.
We have published a book chapter, 17 journal articles and 14 articles in fully-reviewed international conference proceedings.
In addition, we published 15 papers in workshops, non-refereed or abstract refereed conference proceedings and two other reports. The number of publications from CBA between 1997-2010 are shown in Figure
The number of publications from CBA.
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