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- Conference: Journé du groupe de travail Géomérie Discrète (Workshop of the French Discrete Geometry Working Group)
Robin Strand
Date: 120608
Address: IRCCyN, University of Nantes, France
Title: The minimum barrier distance
- Conference: International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG'12)
Anders Hast
Date: 120625-28
Title: An Efficient Preconditioner and a Modified RANSAC for Fast and Robust Feature Matching
- Conference: 16th International Conference on Information Visualization 2012 (IV'2012)
Stefan Seipel
Date: 120710-13
Address: Montpellier, France
Title: Solving combined geospatial tasks using 2D and 3D bar charts
- Conference: 9th International Symposium on Visual Computing
Anders Brun
Date: 120729-31
Address: Rethymnon, Crete, Greece
Title: A Novel Algorithm for Computing Riemannian Geodesic Distance in Rectangular 2D Grids.
Comment: Brun was a program committee member
- Conference: BioImage Informatics
Alexandra Pacureanu
Date: 120916-19
Address: Dresden, Germany
Title: Making isotropic 3D imaging at microscopic scale accessible to every lab
- Conference: International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics (ICCVG'2012)
Johan Nysjö
Date: 120924-26
Address: Warsaw, Poland
Title: Towards User-Guided Quantitative Analysis of Wrist Fractures in CT Images
- Conference: International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics (ICCVG'2012)
Vladimir Curic
Date: 120924-26
Address: Warsaw, Poland
Title: Adaptive Structuring Elements Based on Salience Information
- Conference: Visual observation and analysis of animal and insect behavior 2012
Cris Luengo
Date: 121111
Address: Tsukuba, Japan
Title: Identifying All Individuals in a Honeybee Hive - Progress Towards Mapping All Social Interactions
Comment: Workshop in conjunction with ICPR 2012.
- Conference: 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012)
Ida-Maria Sintorn
Date: 121112-15
Address: Tsukuba, Japan
Title: Regional Zernike Moments for texture recognition
- Conference: 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012)
Fredrik Wahlberg
Date: 121112-15
Address: Tsukuba, Japan
Title: Graph-based line segmentation non-cluttered handwritten manuscripts
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