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From an organizational point of view, 2011 and 2012 were transitional years for CBA. From the start in 1988 until the end of 2010, CBA was an independent entity belonging equally to Uppsala University (UU) and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), but administered through UU. After decisions by the host universities this was changed. From 2011, the UU part of CBA became a division within the Dept. of Information Technology.

Within the IT Department, there was a review of the division structure, and on January 1, 2012, CBA together with the previous Division for Human-Computer Interaction formed the new Division for Visual Information and Interaction (Vi2). Ingela Nyström is head of Vi2 and also head of CBA. At SLU, the Dept. of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology was appointed as host department where the SLU staff now is employed.

Since 2011, there is a three-year agreement between the Vice-Chancellors of the two universities, according to which CBA will continue as collaboration with joint activities administered by UU. The long term strategic planning of CBA will be handled by a joint council with two representatives from each university. All personnel will be employed at a department at one of the two universities, and everyday management of CBA will be the responsibility of the head of the division of the IT Department at UU to which CBA belongs.

The appointed members of the joint council Centrumråd are:

One component of the close integration between image analysis research at the two universities is that the SLU Professor Gunilla Borgefors is a full-time Guest Professor in computerized image processing at UU, since February 1, 2012, with full financing from SLU.

The many organizational changes that have taken place have of course affected us all, to varying degrees. We hope that the new organization will allow us to continue our successful joint research and to develop new branches with new colleagues. As seen in this report, we have been able to keep up a high activity despite a turbulent period.

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