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UU courses

  1. Computer Assisted Image Analysis I, 5hp 
    Anders Brun, Azadeh Fakhrzadeh, Kristína Lidayová, Cris Luengo, Robin Strand 
    Period: 140120-0316 

  2. Scientific Computing III, 5hp 
    Elisabeth Linnér 
    Period: 140122-0318 
    Comment: Given by Division of Sceintific Computing (TDB).

  3. Computer Graphics, 10hp 
    Anders Hast, Johan Nysjö, Pontus Olsson 
    Period: 140324-0527 
  4. Imperative and object oriented programming/methods, 20hp 
    Fredrik Wahlberg
    Period: 140903-150115 

  5. Bioimaging and Cell Analysis, 7.5hp 
    Ida-Maria Sintorn, Robin Strand, Carolina Wählby 
    Period: 140903-0929 
    Comment: Given by Dept. of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology.
  6. Scientific Visualization, 5hp 
    Anders Hast, Johan Nysjö, Stefan Seipel 
    Period: 140904-1024 

  7. Computer Assisted Image Analysis I, 5hp 
    Ida-Maria Sintorn, Kristína Lidayová, Cris Luengo, Robin Strand, Tomas Wilkinson 
    Period: 141027-1218