In May, Pontus, Fredrik, and Ingrid spent a week in NYC at the Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital hosted by Dr. Buchbinder, where we demonstrated HASP and got feedback and input for improvements from about ten CMF surgeons, fellows, and residents.
In October, Pontus, Ingrid and her mentor Anders Lundqvist attended the yearly meeting of AAOMS, (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons) in Washington, DC, where Ingrid gave a talk on "Surgical Training Using a Haptics-Assisted Cranio-Maxillofacial Planning System (HASP)", and we demonstrated HASP to attendees.
In December, Pontus and Daniel Buchbinder demonstrated HASP at the AO Foundation Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. On October 16, Pontus Olsson successfully defended his thesis "Haptics with Applications to Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery Planning", a large portion of which concerned HASP.
The development of the ProViz software ended 2014. The project activity in 2015 has been to prepare and finalize the manuscript describing and demonstrating the ProViz software in several different applications.
To compare volume images voxel by voxel, we develop image registration methods. For example, large scale analysis is enabled by image registration methods that utilizes, for example, segmented tissue (e.g., Project 6) and anatomical landmarks. Based on this idea, we have developed Imiomics (imaging omics) - an image analysis concept, including image registration, that allows statistical and holistic analysis of whole-body image data (Figure 5). The Imiomics concept is holistic in three respects: (i) The whole body is analyzed, (ii) All collected image data is used in the analysis and (iii) It allows integration of all other collected non-imaging patient information in the analysis. During 2015, we presented the Imiomics concept at the 23rd Annual meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (MICCAI) in Toronto, Canada and at the Swedish conferences Medicinteknikdagarna (Medical Engineering Days) and Röntgenveckan (X-ray week). A manuscript describing a method for interactive manipulation of 3D deformation fields was presented at the Interactive Medical Image Computing (IMIC) workshop held in conjunction with the MICCAI conference.
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