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From the start in 1988 until the end of 2010, CBA was an independent entity belonging to Uppsala University (UU) and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), administered through UU. In 2011 this was changed so that the UU part of CBA became a division within the Dept. of Information Technology and in 2012 there was a merger with Human-Computer Interaction forming the new Division for Visual Information and Interaction (Vi2) with Ingela Nyström as head both for Vi2 and CBA. At the end of 2014 SLU left the collaboration so that CBA now belongs to only UU now. The only remaining link to SLU is that they are financing a Guest Professor Chair at UU for Gunilla Borgefors.

During 2014 there was a joint council Centrumråd, with representatives for the two universities, consisting of:

That council had its last meeting in February 2015. Currently, there are ongoing discussions within UU about what the status of CBA will be in the future, one option is to formalize our strong collaborations with medicine and pharmacy and possibly also with the humanities to have a centre for image analysis with interdisciplinary application focus within UU.

The many organizational changes in the past few years have of course affected us all, to varying degrees. However, as seen in this report, we have been able to keep up a high activity despite a turbulent period. Scientifically, we continue in our areas of strength:

CBA was founded in 1988 and is today Sweden's largest single unit for image analysis and has created a strong national and international position. This successful operation shows that centre formations in special cases are worth investing in for many years. As image analysis currently is finding widespread application in research in many fields as well as in society in general, we believe there is a need for a centre with strong application profile based on equally strong roots in fundamental image analysis research.

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