In addition to three previuosly obtained docent degrees at CBA, we received our first Docent in Image Analysis at SLU in 2007. Our docents (Associate Professors) are listed at the end of this chapter. We had no PhD exams at CBA in 2007, but we expect to have several dissertations in 2008. We gave two PhD courses for our own students, one course where we invited PhD students in image analysis from all over Sweden, and one for students in other areas that need basic knowledge on image analysis.
At the end of 2007, we were main supervisors for 15 PhD students, ten at UU and five at SLU. Another three PhD students will be recruited in early 2008. Borgefors is also assistant supervisor for two PhD students at Dept. of Mathematics, UU, and one PhD student at Dept. of Biometry and Engineering, SLU.