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- Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Techniques, 5p
Examiner: Joakim Lindblad
Lecturers: Joakim Lindblad, Nataša Sladoje, László Nyúl
Period: 0701-03
Description: This course provides the foundations of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy reasoning, as well as practical hands on experience of fuzzy techniques in various applications through computer exercises and project work.
- Summer School on Digital Geometry and Mathematical Morphology, 4.5hp
Examiner and course coordinator: Ingela Nyström
Lecturers: Christer Kiselman, Dept. of Mathematics, UU; Pierre Soille, EC JRC, Ispra, Italy
Period: 070814-17
Description: A graduate course on digital geometry and mathematical morphology. The course consisted of lectures and computer exercises. In addition, the students were obliged to perform a project and write a report on some theoritical and/or applicational aspects, possibly on own images.
Comment: Course financed through grants from UU and SSBA.
- Application Oriented Image Analysis, 7.5hp
Examiner: Ewert Bengtsson
Course coordinator: Robin Strand
Lecturers: Maria Axelsson, Gerhard Bax, Ewert Bengtsson, Gunilla Borgefors, Ingela Nyström, Robin Strand
Computer exercises: Amin Allalou, Khalid Niazi
Period: 0710-12
Description: The aim of this course is to give PhD students in other areas sufficient knowledge to be able to use image analysis in their research. The course is application oriented in the meaning that it does not go too deeply into fundamental mathematics, but concentrates on basic concepts and general methodology. The course book is "Gonzalez & Woods, Digital Image Processing, Addison & Wesley, 2002".
- Research Methodology for Image Analysis, 3hp
Examiner: Gunilla Borgefors
Lecturer(s): Gunilla Borgefors, Ewert Bengtsson, Ulrika Haak
Period: 0711-0801
Description: The course provides general and useful knowledge about how to become a good and published researcher in image analysis and/or various applications thereof (especially medicine and forest industry). Many questions of the type "How?" and "Where" are answered.
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