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Seminars at CBA

Seminars by seniors, PhD students and Master thesis students at CBA.
Some of these seminars were held in Swedish.
  1. Milan Gavrilovic 
    Date: 070108 
    Title: Automatic determination of HER-2 status by analyzing fluorescent microscopy images
  2. Cezary Bloch 
    Date: 070122 
    Title: Rendering of multivariate 3D volume data 
    Comment: Master Thesis Presentation
  3. Max Koszela 
    Date: 070124 
    Title: Measurement of local filler content in paper 
    Comment: Master Thesis Presentation
  4. Maria Axelsson 
    Date: 070129 
    Title: 3D tracking of cellulose fibres
  5. Amin Allalou 
    Date: 070205 
    Title: Algorithm design for signal detection in fluorescence microscopy images of cells
  6. Stina Svensson 
    Date: 070212 
    Title: Distance weighted propagation of gradient magnitudes OR how to avoid edge binarisation in Hierarchical Chamfer Matching
  7. Hamid Sarve 
    Date: 070219 
    Title: Analysis of histological images and SRCT image volumes of bone remodeling around implants
  8. Magnus Kronnäs 
    Date: 070226 
    Title: A tool for computer aided measurements of 3D curvature of the spine in scoliosis patients 
    Comment: Master Thesis Presentation
  9. Khalid Niazi 
    Date: 070305 
    Title: Improved directional filter bank and its application in image enhancement
  10. Joakim Lindblad 
    Date: 070319 
    Title: Image analysis for quantitative estimation of seed vitality
  11. Robin Strand 
    Date: 070416 
    Title: Weighted distances based on neighbourhood sequences
  12. Johannes Lärkner 
    Date: 070420 
    Title: Vattennivåavläsning med kamerateknik - att ersätta gamla rutiner med ny teknik 
    Comment: Master thesis presentation
  13. Magnus Gedda 
    Date: 070423 
    Title: MET protein stalk flexibility description
  14. Erik Vidholm 
    Date: 070507 
    Title: Hardware-accelerated volume visualisation of parametrically mapped dynamic breast MRI
  15. Tomas Björklund 
    Date: 070514 
    Title: 3D pointer using stereo imaging 
    Comment: Master thesis presentation
  16. Ingela Nyström 
    Date: 070528 
    Title: UPPMAX - a resource of high-performance computers and know-how
  17. Gerhard Bax 
    Date: 070604 
    Title: 90 degrees, 9000 meters; potential and challenges of geoinformatics
  18. Carolina Wählby 
    Date: 070611 
    Title: What's going on in the ENLIGHT project
  19. Qing Gu 
    Date: 070618 
    Title: Finding and segmenting human faces 
    Comment: Master thesis presentation
  20. Filip Malmberg 
    Date: 070827 
    Title: Binarization of 3D images of fibrous materials
  21. Gunilla Borgefors 
    Date: 070903 
    Title: Colour vision in the animal and digital kingdoms
  22. Milan Gavrilovic 
    Date: 070910 
    Title: Algorithms for detection of colocalization based on spectral decomposition
  23. Kristin Norell 
    Date: 071008 
    Title: Polar Distance Transform
  24. Patrick Karlsson Edlund 
    Date: 071015 
    Title: Analysis of skeletal fibers in three dimensional images
  25. Maria Axelsson 
    Date: 071022 
    Title: An introduction to MATLAB MEX-files
  26. Joakim Lindblad 
    Date: 071029 
    Title: Version management with Bazaar (bzr)
  27. Carl Krusell 
    Date: 071030 
    Title: Simulering av MR bildartefakter orsakade av inhomogenitet i det statiska magnetfältet B0 
    Comment: Master thesis presentation
  28. Bettina Selig 
    Date: 071105 
    Title: Automatic colour calibration for the RoboCup Small-Size League
  29. Stefan Seipel 
    Date: 071112 
    Title: How to (and not to) fool your brain to perceive 3D
  30. Catherine Östlund 
    Date: 071126 
    Title: Image analysis activities at STFI-Packforsk
  31. Khalid Niazi 
    Date: 071203 
    Title: Heart detection in mouse embryos
  32. Robin Strand 
    Date: 071210 
    Title: Algorithms for computing distance transforms
  33. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Date: 071217 
    Title: Some impressions and cooperation prospects from Korea, Australia and India

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