Apart from the activities reported in previous Sections, we also spend much time and effort on outside contacts. These contacts are aimed at colleagues in academia, at industries based on image analysis or need of it, and at society in general. We participate in conferences; give and organize seminars; receive visitors and make visits, both for long and short stays; and participate in many different committees, both international and national. In the following Section, we have listed these activities for the year 2007. We have left out all meetings within ongoing research projects and all lectures we have given or attended as part of the regular educational activities. Still, the lists are quite extensive.
This year once again CBA personnel received important awards: Gunilla Borgefors was elected Fellow of IEEE and she was also appointed the Edlundska Prize by the Swedish Royal Society of Sciences. In addition, Borgefors' former PhD student Nataša Sladoje was appointed the Benzelius award from the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala for her PhD thesis entitled On Analysis of Discrete Spatial Fuzzy Sets in 2 and 3 Dimensions.
Since 2000 Docent Ingela Nyström serves as Board Member (President 2002-2006) of the Swedish Society for Automatic Image Analysis (SSBA) and one of its representatives in the governing board of the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR). Professor Stefan Seipel has served as Vice-chair of the Swedish Society for Computer Graphics (SIGRAD). Professor Ewert Bengtsson continued to serve as advisor to the Rector of UU on information technology and also as Chair of the Virtual Faculty of Information Technology, together with many other related appointments. Professor Gunilla Borgefors is one of three Area Editors for the Journal "Pattern Recognition Letters".
To give some figures: We were involved in arranging nine conferences and workshops during 2007. We held twelve seminars outside CBA, most in the Uppsala area, but also in Australia, Korea, Serbia, and the USA. We had eight invited seminars at CBA, from Finland, Germany, Czech Republic, Australia, Hungary, and Sweden. In addition, we held 33 seminars in our "Monday seminar series", of which seven were Master Thesis presentations. We gave eight (sic!) special invited talks, four oral and nine poster presentations at international fully reviewed conferences, and nine other oral conference presentations. We had seven long term visitors from abroad, i.e., from Uganda, Serbia, Germany, Czech Republic, and Hungary. We have also received a large number of national and international short-term visitors at many different occasions and have often visited others ourselves.
Finally, we have listed 29 international and 43 national "committees" of the most varying types in which we have served.