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Visiting scientists (staying at least 2 weeks)

  1. Moses Musinguzi
    Address: Makere University, Uganda
    Host: Gerhard Bax
    Date: 070322-0721
    Comments: Musinguzi is a PhD student supervised by Gerhard Bax.

  2. Lydia Mazzi
    Address: Makere University, Uganda
    Host: Gerhard Bax
    Date: 070823-0930
    Comments: Mazzi is a PhD student supervised by Gerhard Bax.

  3. Nataša Sladoje 
    Address: Centre of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia 
    Host: Joakim Lindblad 
    Date: 070210-0310 
    Comments: Lectures on the course Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Techniques, research cooperation.
  4. László Nyúl 
    Address: Dept. of Computer Science, Institute of Informatics, University of Szeged, Hungary 
    Hosts: Joakim Lindblad, Ingela Nyström, Gunilla Borgefors 
    Date: 070301-31 
    Comments: Nyúl held a lecture on the course Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Techniques and discussed research with CBA staff.
  5. Michal Kozubek 
    Address: Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic 
    Hosts: Carolina Wählby, Ewert Bengtsson 
    Date: 070704-0820 
    Topic: Collaboration 
    Comments: Michal Kozubek came as a visiting researcher to exchange ideas and discuss future collaborations.
  6. Benedek Nagy 
    Address: Dept. of Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen, Hungary 
    Hosts: Robin Strand, Gunilla Borgefors 
    Date: 070814-1231 
    Topic: Digital geometry with applications in image processing in three dimensions.
    Comment: Nagy was visiting CBA tree times during the fall: 0814-0825, 1018-1027 and 1206-1231.
  7. Nataša Sladoje 
    Address: Centre of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia 
    Host: Joakim Lindblad, Gunilla Borgefors 
    Date: 070824-0908 
    Comments: Benzelius prize award for Sladoje, research cooperation.

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