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Short visits to other research groups and meetings outside CBA
Note: Meetings occassioned by permanent appointments are listed in section 7.11

  1. Carolina Wählby and Amin Allalou 
    Hosts: Björn Ekström, Mats Gullberg, Ann-Chatrin Andersson 
    Address: Olink Bioscience, Uppsala
    Date: 070110-0610 
    Topic: BlobFinder 
    Comments: Several meetings for discussions and evaluation of a single-application and user-friendly software developed by us, in order to primarily provide the customers of Olink Bioscience with a tool for signal quanitification. The software, called BlobFinder, can localize and quantify point like source signals and cells in fluorescence microscopy images, e.g., from FISH, in-situ PLA and padlock probes.
  2. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: Per-Uno Malmström 
    Address: Rudbeck Lab, UU 
    Date: 070118 
    Topic: Bo Johan Norlendagen 2007 seminar 
    Comments: A seminar on urologic pathology
  3. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: Faculty of Science and Technology 
    Address: Häggsalen, UU 
    Date: 070119 
    Topic: Seminar on the working conditions for PhD students
  4. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: IVA Section X 
    Address: Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), Stockholm 
    Date: 070123 
    Topic: Seminar on Successful Swedish Medical Engineering
  5. Joakim Lindblad, Carl Krusell 
    Host: Jan Weis 
    Address: Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, MRT-section, UU Hospital
    Date: 070130 
    Topic: Master's project initiation - Simulation and correction of MR image artefacts 
  6. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: R Holland Cheng 
    Address: Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of California, Davis, CA 
    Date: 070202 
    Topic: Possible cooperation on electron microscopic tomographic image analysis 
    Comments: Also gave a seminar, see separate entry
  7. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: Stig Hagström 
    Address: Wallenberg hall, Stanford University, CA 
    Date: 070205 
    Topic: Discussion about continued cooperation between Stanford and UU
  8. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: Kent Åberg 
    Address: SUN Executive Briefing Centre, Menlo Park, CA 
    Date: 070205 
    Topic: Information about SUN new graphics display concepts
  9. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: IVA Section VII 
    Address: Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), Stockholm 
    Date: 070214 
    Topic: What does stock options have to do with the heat transfer equation
    Comments: Participation in a meeting
  10. Khalid Niazi 
    Host: Mats Nilsson 
    Address: Div. of Toxicology, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, UU 
    Date: 070226 
    Topic: Mouse embryo culture process 
    Comments: Brief demonstration on mouse embryo culture process. Also observed the embryo imaging process
  11. Ewert Bengtsson
    Adress: Eklundshof Conference Centre, Uppsala
    Date: 070223
    Topic: Meeting for all department heads at SLU.
  12. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Hosts: Lars Mattson, Jonny Gustafsson 
    Address: Production engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 
    Date: 070306 
    Topic: 3D stereo display technology for medical visualisation 
    Comments: Part of preparation for an application to the Visualisation call from KK foundation
  13. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: Irene Kolare 
    Address: Faculty Office, UU 
    Date: 070307 
    Topic: Discussions about the future administrative status of CBA and NITA
  14. Stina Svensson 
    Date: 070328 
    Topic: SLU course information.
    Comment: Promoting computerised image analysis for academic year 2007/08.
  15. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: IVA 
    Address: Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), Stockholm 
    Date: 070320 
    Topic: Education for innovation and entrepreneutrship - what is needed? 
    Comments: General IVA membership meeting
  16. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Address: SLU
    Date: 070320 
    Topic: Course on working environment for department heads at SLU.
  17. Krisin Norell, Stina Svensson, Catherine Östlund 
    Host: Mats Nylinder 
    Address: Dept. of Forest Products, SLU 
    Date: 070329 
    Topic: Introduction to WinDENDRO 
    Comments: WinDENDRO is a semiautomatic image analysis system for tree-ring measurement and analysis. Cecilia Åstrand at the Dept. of Forest Products gave a demonstration.
  18. Kristin Norell, Stina Svensson 
    Host: Lars Björklund (VMR) 
    Address: Nyby sawmill, Björklinge 
    Date: 070412 
    Topic: Image acquisition system at Nyby sawmill 
    Comments: The visit aimed to investigate whether it is feasible to put up an on-line camera to capture log end images in realistic saw mill environement. Per Berg and Johan Oja from SP Trätek was also present.
  19. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: IVA Section VII 
    Address: Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), Stockholm 
    Date: 070416 
    Topic: How to get the maximum out of what we send into space
  20. Stina Svensson 
    Address: Studion, SLU - Umeå 
    Date: 070417 
    Topic: Meeting for the contact persons for SLU postgraduate students.
  21. Kristin Norell, Stina Svensson 
    Host: Anders Bjorholm Dahl 
    Address: Dralle A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark 
    Date: 070426-27 
    Topic: Rot detection in log end face images 
    Comments: A meeting about the ongoing project with rot detection in log end face images. Kim Dralle, Mads Jeppe Tarp-Johansen and Morten Larsen from Dralle A/S was also present, as well as Iben Thomsen, Dept. of Forest and Landscape, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  22. Ewert Bengtsson, Ingela Nyström, Erik Vidholm 
    Host: Faculty of Medicine,UU 
    Address: Grönvallsalen UU Hospital 
    Date: 070427 
    Topic: PhD dissertation for Joel Kullberg 
    Comments: Attended this dissertation on "Assessment of Body Composition Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging". The defendant has had much cooperation with CBA during his PhD work.
  23. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: Jonas Gårding 
    Address: Elekta, Stockholm 
    Date: 070521 
    Topic: Joint application to Visualization call.
    Comment: Meeting with the members of the application team.
  24. Ewert Bengtsson, Stina Svensson 
    Address: Sidec Technologies AB, Kista
    Date: 070523 
    Topic: Meeting with representatives from SIDEC and SenseGraphics on interactive visualization of in situ 3D protein images
  25. Ewert Bengtsson, Carolina Wählby 
    Host: Pär Svanström 
    Address: Forskarpatent AB, Uppsala Science Park 
    Date: 070601 
    Topic: Discussion about a possible patent
  26. Stina Svensson, Catherine Östlund 
    Host: Kristofer Gamstedt 
    Address: STFI-Packforsk, Stockholm 
    Date: 070605 
    Topic: Fibre and composite projects 
    Comments: Discussions on fibre and composite projects
  27. Hamid Sarve and Joakim Lindblad 
    Address: Deutsches Electronen-Syncrotron, Hamburg, Germany 
    Date: 070613-15 
    Topic: SRCT-scanning 
    Comments: Beamtime in Hamburg. Carina Johansson , Örebro University, also participated.
  28. Kristin Norell 
    Host: Mats Nylinder 
    Address: Dept. of Forest Products, SLU 
    Date: 070705 
    Topic: WinDENDRO 
    Comments: Meeting with the summer project worker Martin Tubes introducing him to the project and his work with WinDENDRO. Cecilia Åström, Dept. of Forest Products, also participated.
  29. Joakim Lindblad 
    Host: Antal Nagy 
    Address: University of Szeged, Hungary 
    Date: 070709-13 
    Topic: Invited lecturer SSIP 
    Comments: Invited lecturer at Summer School on Image Processing (SSIP)
  30. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: Kerstin Sahlin 
    Address: Pro vice chancellor office, UU 
    Date: 070824 
    Topic: IT strategic council organization
  31. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: Dataföreningen, Uppsala 
    Address: UU Hospital 
    Date: 070925 
    Topic: National medical IT strategy.
  32. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: Professor Albert Alm 
    Address: Dept. of Neuroscience, UU Hospital 
    Date: 070925 
    Topic: Planning PhD research cooperation on retinal image analysis 
    Comments: Starting a new project for Khalid Niazi
  33. Kristin Norell 
    Host: Jonas Lantz 
    Address: Nyby sawmill, Björklinge 
    Date: 071004 
    Topic: Camera at sawmill 
    Comments: Installing the camera in Nyby together with Per Berg, SP Trätek
  34. Filip Malmberg, Patrick K. Edlund
    Date: 071010
    Topic: UU course information.
    Comment: Promoting the courses "Advanced computer graphics an visualization" and "Computer assisted image analysis"for spring 2008.
  35. Kristin Norell, Joakim Lindblad, Catherine Östlund 
    Host: Jonas Lantz 
    Address: Nyby sawmill, Björklinge 
    Date: 071018, 071024, 071105, 071212 
    Topic: Camera installation at Nyby sawmill 
    Comments: Several visits to make settings and tune parameters for the on-line camera for end face imaging.
  36. Ewert Bengtsson, Milan Gavrilovic 
    Host: Pär Svanström 
    Address: Forskarpatent AB, Uppsala Science Park 
    Date: 071019 
    Topic: Discussion about the patent application
  37. Bettina Selig, Gunilla Borgefors 
    Host: Stig Bardage 
    Address: Dept. of Forest Products, SLU 
    Date: 071023 
    Topic: Introduction of Selig and start of cooperation.
  38. Gunilla Borgefors 
    Host: Nataša Sladoje 
    Address: Centre of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia 
    Date: 071026 
    Topic: Ongoing research cooperation
  39. Bettina Selig, Maria Axelsson 
    Host: Marco Stampanoni 
    Address: TOMCAT, PSI, Villigen, Schweiz 
    Date: 071025-28 
    Topic: Imaging of fibre based materials using synchrotron X-ray microtomography
  40. Khalid Niazi 
    Host: Mats Nilsson 
    Address: Division of Toxicology, Dept of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, UU 
    Date: 071113 
    Topic: GUI for mouse embryo heart beat detection 
    Comments: Delivered the first version of Mouse Embryo Heart Beat Detection
  41. Ewert Bengtsson, Tommy Lindell
    Host: Leanne Bischof
    Address: CSIRO Image Analysis Group, Sydney, Australia
    Date: 071115
    Comment: A visit to the research group where Magnus Gedda, Ida-Maria Sintorn and others have been.
  42. Bettina Selig 
    Host: Felix Beckmann 
    Address: Deutsches Electronen-Syncrotron, Hamburg, Germany 
    Date: 071116-17 
    Topic: Imaging of fibre based materials using synchrotron X-ray microtomography.
    Comment: Karin Almgren, STFI-Packforsk, also participated.
  43. Kristin Norell, Gunilla Borgefors 
    Host: Håkan Lindström 
    Address: A-sort, Uppsala 
    Date: 071116 
    Topic: Possible future cooperation 
    Comments: A-sort develops systems for automatic log classification at sawmills.
  44. Maria Axelsson 
    Host: Marco Stampanoni 
    Address: TOMCAT, PSI, Villigen, Schweiz 
    Date: 071122-24 
    Topic: Imaging of fibre based materials using synchrotron X-ray microtomography.
    Comment: Karin Almgren, STFI-Packforsk, also participated.
  45. Amin Allalou and Carolina Wählby 
    Host: Nils-Göran Larsson 
    Address: Dept. of Metabolic diseases at Novum (KI) 
    Date: 071127 
    Topic: Project meeting, mtDNA
  46. Gunilla Borgefors 
    Host: David Coeurjolly 
    Address: LIRIS laboratory, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France 
    Date: 071204 
    Topic: Presentation of ongoing reserach
  47. Ewert Bengtsson 
    Host: Fredrik Georgsson 
    Address: Dept. of Computer Science, Umeå University 
    Date: 071213 
    Topic: General image analysis discussions.
  48. Ewert Bengtsson, Carolina Wählby, Milan Gavrilovic 
    Host: Pär Svanström 
    Address: Forskarpatent AB, Uppsala Science Park 
    Date: 071218 
    Topic: Discussion about the patent application

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