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CBA is a joint entity belonging equally to Uppsala University (UU) and Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences (SLU), but administered through UU.

How many we are at CBA is a question with several answers. If we count the number of persons "in house" (excluding Master thesis students and visiting scientists) for at least part of their time we were 29 at the end of 2007. If we sum up the time spent at CBA, we had the equivalent of about 20 full time persons. About two thirds of us belongs to UU, the other third to SLU. The activity at CBA is similar to any department within a single university, but the administration becomes more complicated due to our close relation to two different universities.

Our total turnover for 2007 was 16.6 million SEK which is about 20% increase from the level the three previous years. A bit more than one third, 37%, comes from UU, somewhat less than one third, 31%, from SLU, and the last third from external sources. Our ambitions are that at least half of our research should be funded from outside sources and after a dip for some years we are approaching that level again.

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