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CBA is financed through the two universities and through research grants and contracts. Some of the personnel expenses are covered by undergraduate education at UU, mostly by the PhD students of both universities, most of which teach 15% of their time. (The UU Lecturers' teaching appointments are not included in our finances.)

The summary in Table 1 describes our overall economy for 2007. Since part of our economy is handled at UU and part at SLU, this summary is based on joining the two accounts and clearing internal transactions between the universities. The numbers are rounded to the nearest 1000 SEK. The total turnover is thus 16.6 million SEK for 2007. The total cost was 15.0 million SEK, the surplus was mainly project money that is reserved for the next year. Our small operational budget also showed a small surplus. The same numbers for income and costs are also given as pie charts in Figure 1. Which projects that are financed by whom can be ascertained in Section 5, where each project is listed.

The main changes in income from last year is that the funding from SLU has increased by 0.8 million SEK. There has also been an increase in non-governmental grants, mainly due to a new EU funded project. The percentage of research financed from outside sources is about 32%, which still is lower than our ambitions of at least 50%, since the faculty funds have increased about as much as the external funding.

The total turnover is about 16% higher than the previous year. The major costs are for personnel (salaries). The equipment cost is rather low even though we need and have good computer workstations they are not very expensive these days. And we do not need much other equipment, almost all images we work with come from co-operation partners.

One big event last year was the inauguration of our new Visualization studio, 3DIS4U, 3D Image Studio for Uppsala. In that studio we can project stereo images and thus visualize results from our research or from scientific computations at UPPMAX Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science, which we are cooperating with in running the studio. We hope to be able to develop the studio and add new visualisation facilities over the next several years making it an important asset for students and researchers at our host universities.

Table 1: CBA income and costs for 2007.
Income   Costs  
UU 4927 Personnel 8047
SLU 5096 Equipment 278
UU rent compensation 1128 Operating exp. 4) 3706
Governmental grants 1) 3278 Rent 1256
Non-governmental grants 2) 1471 University overhead 1670
Contracts 3) 548    
Financial netto 119    
Total income 16567 Total cost 14957
1) The Swedish Research Council, SIDA
2) Research foundations, EU
3) Internal invoices and compensations
4) Including travel and conferences

Figure 1: CBA income (top) and costs (below) for 2007.
Image income_color

Image cost_color

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