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Organised conferences and workshops

  1. UPPMAX Tutorial: Visualization with VTK 
    Organisers: UPPMAX 
    Address: Polacksbacken 
    Date: 070327 
    Comment: Workshop on visualization with VTK, organized by Anders Hast and Filip Malmberg.

  2. UPPMAX Inauguration of IBM Cluster Isis 
    Organisers: UPPMAX 
    Address: Polhemsalen, Ångströmlaboratoriet 
    Date: 070601 
    Comment: A seminar afternoon arranged by Ingela Nyström in connection with the official inauguration ceremony of UPPMAX cluster Isis. Among the speakers: Carl von Linné, Jan-Otto Carlsson, Johan Ekesiöö (Country General Manager IBM Sweden), and users.
  3. Summer School on Digital Geometry and Mathematical Morphology, 4.5hp 
    Examiner: Ingela Nyström 
    Lecturers: Christer Kiselman, Dept. of Mathematics, UU; Pierre Soille, JRC, Ispra, Italy 
    Period: 070814-17 
    Description: A graduate course on digital geometry and mathematical morphology. The course consisted of lectures and computer exercises. In addition, the students were obliged to perform a project and write a report on some theoritical and/or applicational aspects, possibly on own images. 
    Comment: The course was organized by Ingela Nyström and colleagues at CBA. It was financed through grants from UU and SSBA. The course had 24 participants.
  4. International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis 2007 (ISPA'07) 
    Organisers: Aytul Ercil and Sven Loncaric 
    Address: Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey 
    Date: 070927-29 
    Comment: Joakim Lindblad was organizer and Co-Chair for: "Special Session on Digital shape: Analysis and Representation".
  5. Medicinteknikdagarna 2007 
    Organisers: Swedish Society for Medical Engineering 
    Address: Conventum, Örebro 
    Date: 071002-03 
    Topic: National Swedish Conference on Medical Engineering
    Comment: Ewert Bengtsson was member of the programme committee
  6. Interaction in medical image analysis and visualization, workshop in conjunction with MICCAI 2007 
    Organisers: Anders Persson, Ewert Bengtsson 
    Address: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia 
    Date: 071102
    Comment: Ingela Nyström was member of the programme committee.
  7. SNIC Interaction 2007 
    Organisers: UPPMAX 
    Address: Häggsalen, Ångströmlaboratoriet 
    Date: 071128-29 
    Comment: The SNIC Interaction meetings are intended to stimulate interaction among users of high-performance computing (HPC) in Sweden. There were two keynote speakers, Arthur Trew, University of Edinburgh, and Jacko Koster, NOTUR, in addition to user presentations and news from SNIC. SNIC Interaction had approximately 70 participants.
  8. Inauguration of the Visualization Lab, 3DIS4U 
    Organisers: Ewert Bengtsson, Ingela Nyström 
    Address: CBA 
    Date: 071129 
    Comment: The official inauguration of the Visualization Lab at CBA took place in connection with SNIC Interaction 2007 and SIGRAD 2007. Among other equipments, 3D projection via a stereo wall with connection to the UPPMAX cluster Isis was presented. 3DIS4U stands for 3D Image Studio for Uppsala.

  9. SIGRAD 2007
    Organizers: Anders Hast
    Address: Ångströmlaboratoriet
    Date: 071129-30

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