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Seminars held outside CBA
- Ewert Bengtsson
Date: 070202
Address: Molecular and Cellular Biology Dept., University of California, Davis, CA
Title: 3D biomedical image analysis at the Centre for Image Analysis in Uppsala
- Ingela Nyström
Date: 070212
Address: Dept. of Oncology, Radiology and Clinical Immunology, UU Hospital
Title: Interaction in Medical Image Analysis and Visualization
Comment: Ewert Bengtsson also participated in discussions on future joint projects.
- Stina Svensson
Date: 070301
Address: Dept. of Bioenergy, SLU
Title: Datoriserad bildanalys med inriktning på naturresurser och miljö
Comment: Guest lecture on the course Geografiska Informationssystem (GIS).
- Joakim Lindblad
Date: 070414
Address: Centre for Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Title: Image analysis for quantitative estimation of seed vitality
- Ewert Bengtsson
Date: 070402
Comment: Guest lecture on the course Medical Informatics.
- Ewert Bengtsson
Date: 070530
Address: Uppsala Learning Lab, Observatorieparken, Uppsala
Title: Mini poster exhibit on IT in learning
Comment: Ewert awarded a price to one of the exhibitors on behalf of the virtual IT faculty
- Ewert Bengtsson
Date: 070531
Address: The senate of UU, Auditorium Minor, Gustavianum
Title: The IT development and the future of UU
- Stina Svensson
Date: 070731
Address: Science research school, Karlskoga
Title: Undersök världen med hjälp av digitala bilder
Comment: Lecture for upper secondary school pupils from all over the country. It is organised every summer by PhD students from Swedish Universities.
- Gunilla Borgefors
Date: 071026
Address: Centre for Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Title: Colour vision in the animal and digital kingdoms
- Ewert Bengtsson
Date: 071026
Address: Inje University, Gimhae, Korea
Title: Analysis of 3D images of molecules, cells, tissues and organs.
Comment: Invited presentation in connection with visit to Inje. Host was Dean of research, Heung-Kook Choi, former CBA PhD student.
- Ewert Bengtsson
Date: 071115
Address: CSIRO Image Analysis Group, Sydney, Australia
Title: Analysis of 3D images of molecules, cells, tissues and organs
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